The NRRA School Recycling Club
Northeast Resource Recovery Association

Teacher Resources and Lesson Plans

The NRRA School Recycling CLUB hopes to be a clearinghouse of school recycling information. There are so many great resources out there to help educate students whether with an activity, video or lesson, The CLUB tries to do the leg work for you, please find links below to a number of resources. You can find below links to videos, curricula,  websites and activities for recycling in general and specific topics for a variety of ages.


  • Air Defenders – the Quest for Clean Air Learn how burning garbage in the open air causes pollution and health problems. This site is aimed at students 10 and up. It presents alternatives to open burning (recycle, trash dump, reuse and compost). Students earn their Air Defender badge while pursuing their quest to clean the air and protect community health. Grades: 6-8
  • Air Pollution, What’s the Solution This site offers a comprehensive Web-based curriculum unit on air quality, ozone and particle pollution. Intermediate grade students explore EPA’s websites on air quality as they discover the scientific and health-related concerns. Your students will also gain web browsing skills as they complete this interactive and fun program. Grades: 6-12
  • American Lung Association State of the Air Report Want to learn about the air quality in your community? Read the American Lung Association’s ‘State of the Air’ Report to find out more. Grades: 9-12, adult
  • CLEAN AIR DETECTIVE: Investigating Air Pollution In this lesson students will participate in a scientific inquiry activity regarding the air they breathe inside and around their house. They will plan and conduct a simple investigation to gather information on air quality. Students will also help to reduce air pollution by shutting off lights, toys, machines and appliances, and by reducing their travel in cars. Grades: K-5, Type of resource:  Lesson Plan
  • Cool School Challenge The Cool School Challenge engages students and teachers in practical strategies to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gas emissions school-wide. Grades: 3-12
  • Count Down Your Carbon See how your choices can help stop climate change, track your individual reductions as well as the collective effort. Learn about simple actions that have real carbon reductions associated with them. Grades: 9-12
  • Forces of Change Resources for Teachers The activities explore the importance of our atmosphere, its functions and chemistry, and how scientists are tracking changes in the atmosphere – changes that impact all life on the planet. Grades: 6-12, Subtopic: atmosphere, Type of resource:  Lesson Plans/Activities
  • The Greens The Greens is full of fun interactive ways to get active on topics from green fashion to recycling using blogs and mini-episodes starring characters you can relate to. Grades: 6-12
  • In the Air Curriculum The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency funded the Missouri Botanical Garden’s EarthWays Center to design and develop a full spectrum of environmental education materials about airborne toxics issues in their communities. The goal is to increase knowledge about air pollution and to make connections between behaviors and air quality. Five modules are available (K-3, 3-6, 6-8, 9-12 and adult). Grades: K-12, adult, Type of resource:  Lesson Plans/Activities
  • NASA’s Climate Kids website Geared toward students, the multimedia-rich Climate Kids site uses games, humorous illustrations and animations to help break down the important issue of climate change. Grades: K-12
  • NOAA Education Website Explore this site to find the information you need to teach students about weather, climate change and oceans. You’ll find activities, background information and much more! Grades: 6-12
  • Science with NOAA Research: Teacher Information Online science lessons for students and teachers. Covers earth systems that have to do with the oceans and lakes: storms, El Nino, the atmosphere and fisheries. Grades: 9-12




  • Action Bioscience Learn about current topics in bioscience through this wide range of articles by scientists, science educators and science students. Site also provides original lessons and resources to enhance bioscience teaching. Grades: 9-12
  • Adventures of the Agronauts A science curriculum with a space biology theme for elementary grade level students. Grades: K-5
  • ARKive ARKive’s mission is to promote a greater understanding of global biodiversity, and the conservation of the world’s most threatened species, using the power of wildlife imagery. Grades: K-12
  • Audubon Nature Activities Connect with nature with these fun crafts! Grades: K-12
  • Bird Populations Students learn how scientists discern patterns and changes in bird populations though the study of bird migratory patterns. Grades: 6-8, Subtopic: atmosphere, Type of resource:  Lesson Plan
  • Bug and Planet Natural Science Lessons for Teachers K-12 Integrated Pest Management (IPM) education presented by subject and by grade level. Grades: K-12, Type of resource: Lesson Plan
  • Dive and Discover Expedition to the Seafloor Immerse yourself in the excitement of discovery and exploration of the deep seafloor. Dive and Discover brings you right on board a series of research cruises around the globe, and gives you access to the latest oceanographic and deep submergence research as it happens! Grades: 9-12
  • Ducks Unlimited for Educators Teacher guide and curriculum for teaching about wetlands. A wide variety of activities geared to particular age groups. Grades: all, Subtopic: water
  • EducaPoles EducaPoles is the International Polar Foundation’s educational site. It sets out to sensitize young people and the educational world to the importance of the Polar Regions and of climate change by proposing adapted teaching tools and projects. Grades: all
  • EHP Science Education Program This website focuses on environmental health studies and relates them through interdisciplinary curriculum for high school students. Grades: all
  • Everglades National Park for Teachers Are you interested in teaching your students about the Florida Everglades? Check out this site to find activities and background information that will help you tell the story of this fascinating natural ecosystem. Even if you don’t live near the Everglades, you will find valuable information that can be applied to many ecosystems throughout the country. Grades: all
  • Flying Wild – Gulf Spill Educator Resources A list of educator resources about the gulf oil spill. Grades: 6-8
  • Forest Ecosystems Students learn about the forest ecosystems. Grades: K-5, Subtopic: ecosystem, Type of resource:  Activities
  • The Fragile Fringe – Coastal Wetlands Teaching Guide A guide for teaching about coastal wetlands. Grades: K-8
  • Get Outside & Play  Click on different areas of the landscape display for great ways to connect with nature in your neighbourhood. Grades: K-9
  • The Global Water Sampling Project Collaborative project that allows the participant to compare water quality of local water streams, lakes, etc. with other fresh water sources around the world. Grades: 9-12
  • Great Backyard Bird Count The Great Backyard Bird Count is an annual four-day event that engages bird watchers of all ages in counting birds to create a real-time snapshot of where the birds are across the continent. Anyone can participate, from beginning bird watchers to experts. It takes as little as 15 minutes. It’s free, fun and easy—and it helps the birds. Grades: K-12
  • How to talk with kids about the oil spill? A guide for parents and teachers when talking with kids about the Gulf oil spill. This has various other teaching tools and activities for kids. Grades: K-8
  • How would an oil spill affect a marine sanctuary? Students engage in a mock town meeting to determine how to clean up an oil spill in Monterey Bay. The factors involved in the discussions can be applied to oil spills in most other marine environments. Grades: 6-8
  • If Trees Could Talk This 8-module, middle school curriculum gives teachers the opportunity to download social studies activities. Each module is a compilation of primary resources–documents, maps, newspaper articles, oral histories or photographs–from which students will be asked to gather, examine and analyze information, and synthesize insights. Grades: 6-8
  • Interactive Green Swamp Learn all about wetlands in this wonderful virtual tour of Florida’s Green Swamp! Grades: 9-12
  • Invasive Species Lesson Plan Students will participate in a game simulation in which they must stop carp (a non-native species) from progressing through the waterways to Lake Michigan. Grades: 3-12 
  • Journey North A global study of wildlife migration. Students in North America track the journeys of a dozen migratory species and share their own field observations with classrooms across the Hemisphere. Grades: 6-12
  • National Audubon Society Educator’s Lounge Help your students develop an understanding of the natural world. You can start indoors or go outside. This site can help you and your students learn more about the natural world. Grades: K-12
  • National Estuarine Research Reserve System K-12 Educator Resources Estuaries, where rivers met the sea, are fascinating ecosystems. Find out about what makes estuaries special, the threats to estuarine ecosystems and explore estuaries around the U.S. Grades: 9-12
  • National Geographic: Ecosystem Imbalance in the World  Students build on their knowledge of individual impacts on the ocean to see how the whole system can react to threats and changes. Grades: 9-12
  • National Wetlands Research Center This site from the U.S. Geological Survey explores the many factors that affect wetland health, and provides resources for teachers on preserving our wetlands. Grades: 9-12
  • National Wildlife Federation Oil Spill and Wetlands Education  Lesson plan for middle school students about effects of oil spills and ways to clean it up. Grades 6-8
  • Nature Net Detailed materials about natural resources that the National Park Service maintains, including biology, geology, air and water. Check Links to Learning for environmental education resources from different Parks. Grades: 6-12
  • NOAA Fisheries Office of Protected Resources Learn what this office of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is doing to protect marine mammals and endangered species. Grades: 6-8
  • NOAA Oceans & Coasts Education The ocean and large inland lakes play an integral role in many of the Earth’s systems, including climate and weather. To discover more, click the link.  Grades: 6-12
  • Ocean Science Education Teacher Resource Center This site links by topic to a large collection of environmental websites which contain lesson plans and class activities. Grades: 9-12
  • PBS Animal Homes-Location, Location, Location Finding a good base of operations is key to successfully raising a family. This video provides insight into  the site selection of animal homes. Grades: 6-12
  • Pollinator Live While pollinators may come in small sizes, they play a large and often undervalued role in the production of the food we eat, the health of flowering plants and the future of wildlife. This site provides a series of live interactive webcasts and web seminars. Grades: all, Type of resource:  Lesson Plan
  • Prairie Information from Fermilab Websites about prairies, sources of seeds and restoration tips, general agricultural information and virtual weather. Grades: 6-12
  • Project Learning Tree This national environmental education program includes correlations with the national environmental education performance standards. This program is recognized around the country as providing facilitators and participants with well-conceived and inquiry-oriented activities. The curriculum is available for a fee; the newsletter is free and there is a sample curriculum online.Grades: K-12
  • Rain Garden Lessons The Northern Rhode Island Conservation District has put together several lesson plans around rain gardens. Grades: 9-12
  • Rainforest Alliance Learning Site Providing a rainforest curriculum for grades K through 6 this site provides materials to teach current conservation challenges, cultural differences and the wise use of resources to help students understand the rainforest environment. Grades: K-12
  • Resources To Learn More About Endangered Species From the Fish and Wildlife Service, a list of materials that may give you some ideas to help a species near you get on its road to recovery, because recovery is the ultimate goal for each threatened and endangered species. Grades: all
  • Respect the Beach The Surfrider Foundation offers information on preserving and conserving our beaches–sand, water and waves. Grades: 9-12
  • Schoolyard Habitat  The Schoolyard Habitat program helps teachers and students create wildlife habitat on school grounds. Grades: all
  • Science NetLinks This site provides standards-based lesson plans that incorporate reviewed internet resources, and can be selected according to specific benchmarks and grade ranges. Each lesson is tied to at least one learning goal and uses research-based instructional strategies that support student learning. The lessons are written for the teacher, but include student-ready materials such as student sheets (student reproducibles) or E-Sheets (online worksheets that enable students to engage directly in internet activities). Grades: all
  • Southwest Florida Water Management District Education Resources  Great virtual, interactive field trips that will help you to teach about wetlands and watersheds. Explore Florida’s Green Swamp, Hillsborough River and Springs Coast Watershed. Includes lots of other neat resources too such as educational tabloids, teacher’s guides and comprehensive educational kits. Grades: all
  • Southwest Florida Watershed Excursions Learn all about watersheds in this awesome online excursion through the Hillsborough River watershed of southwest Florida. Grades: all
  • Square of Life: Studies in Local and Global Environments  Elementary school curriculum that allows classes to compare their inventory of a 1 meter outdoor square in their school yard with another class across the country or the globe. Registration to participate is twice a year in spring and fall. Site contains lesson plans, activity instructions, reference materials, discussion area, standards comparison and a help contact. Grades: K-6
  • TEACH: Environment Why do water levels change in the Great Lakes? What fish do people catch there and what’s threatening one of the world’s largest freshwater fisheries? Learn about the environment of the Great Lakes region and the environmental issues there, including water quality, airborne toxics, invasive species and sustainable development. Grades: K-12
  • Toxic and Harmful Algal Blooms Interactive information about how toxins can pose risks to the human body. Grades: K-12
  • TurfMutt Superheroes TurfMutt & the Outdoor Powers are on a mission to teach kids and families backyard science, including how to take better care of the green spaces around them. With the activities in this hands-on science program, you can help them save the planet one yard at a time. Grades: K-5
  • Wildlife Fact Sheets From the Fish and Wildlife Service, basic information about species of regular public interest. Grades: 9-12
  • Wyland Ocean Challenge Learn all about marine ecosystems through free activities that support National Science and Art Standards. Grades: K-5



  • Asthma Funbook Download a funbook with games that teach your child about asthma and triggers. This is a site funded by EPA’s Asthma program. Grades: K-5
  • Become an IPM Super Sleuth Created with support from EPA and the National Foundation for IPM Education, IPM Super Sleuth teaches kids in grades 1-7 about Integrated Pest Management with the use of word games. Grades: K-8
  • Chemicals, The Environment and You – What is the Risk? Students explore the relationship between chemicals in the environment and human health, utilizing basic concepts in the science of toxicology.  Grades: 6-8, Type of resource:  Lesson Plan
  • Elementary Urban IPM Curriulum This site provides K-6 educators in formal and informal settings with background information, hands-on activities, worksheets and resources to help teachers engage the students in real-world scientific and interdiciplinary learning using Urban Intergrated Pest Management (IPM) tools. Grades: K-6
  • EnviroMysteries Through intriguing videos and web interactives, supported by clear print and online materials, middle grade teachers can help their students become detectives—investigating the connection between where we live and how we feel. Grades: 6-9
  • Environmental Health Science Education Portal site for students, teachers and scientists on environmental health information, activities, jobs and developmental opportunities. Grades: 6-12
  • The Environmental Literacy Council Tools to help students develop environmental literacy: a fundamental understanding of the systems of the world, both living and non-living, along with the analytical skills needed to weigh scientific evidence and policy choices. Grades: all
  • The Green Flag Program The Green Flag Program helps schools become healthier places for kids and teaches students about the school’s environment. Parents, teachers and kids work together to investigate environmental issues in school, identify problems, create solutions and improve the school environment. Grades: 9-12
  • National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) Everything you ever wanted to know about pesticides in one easy location. This cooperative effort between EPA and Oregon State University provides information from EPA, state agencies, academia and Canada, including information for health care providers. Grades: 9-12


  • The Adventures of Herman the Worm A site for younger kids to learn about composting, worm bins and the biology of earthworms. What’s on the menu at the Worm Deli? ¡En Español tambien! Grades: K-5
  • Composting in Schools A comprehensive guide for teachers interested in guiding students’ research projects on composting. The book was selected by the National Science Teachers Association to be included in ‘Recommends,’ a collection of the best science education books. Grades: K-12
  • Earth 911 (Recycling) Type in your ZIP code or find your State on a map to locate recycling centers in your community “for all types of recyclables.” This site contains information you can use to teach middle school and high school students about waste prevention, recycling and other environmental issues. Grades: 6-12
  • Trash Goes to School – Activities A range of activities and projects for learning about solid waste and recycling. Covers reduction, recycling, composting, incineration, landfills and risk. Grades: 9-12


  • The Bridge: Ocean Sciences Education Teacher Resource Center This resource from the Virginia Institute of Marine Science provides teachers with a selection of the best online resources for marine science education. Grades: K-12
  • Center for Global Environmental Education Watershed Action Plan The Watershed Action Site offers one stop help in planning and organizing service-learning projects to prevent water pollution in your watershed. Within this site you can access everything from scientific background information or curricula to local experts or stencils for painting storm drain signs. Grades: K-12
  • Conserving Water through Art! In this lesson students will learn about the scarcity of water and begin to think of ways that they can conserve water in their own homes. They will make a pledge to personally use less water, and will use their creativity to make items that will remind them to conserve in their home. (See PDF at the end of the lesson) Grades: K-5, Type of resource:  Lesson Plan
  • Discover Water is a self-directed educational  resource comprised of eight units about different water  topics—ranging from the global to the personal  perspective—which together reflect many of the complex and important roles of water in so many  aspects of our lives. It is designed for use primarily by students ages 7-12 and educators for this age group, both in- and outside the  classroom. Grades: 5-8
  • The Groundwater Foundation Kids Get Involved Groundwater can be protected by kids like you! Learn about threats to groundwater, how to conserve and protect groundwater, and you you can get involved. Grades: 9-12, adult
  • H20 Conserve Use the Water Calculator to figure out how much water you use, how you use it and how you can use less. Grades: 9-12, adult
  • Liquid Density and Oil Spills Lesson plan on liquid density and oil spills for teachers of middle school students. Grade: 8
  • Nab the Aquatic Invader This interactive cartoon uses detective characters to learn about invasive species — different kinds, why they are harmful and how they affect economy and ecosystem. Grades: 6-8
  • National Wetlands Research Center This site from the U.S. Geological Survey explores the many factors that affect wetland health and provides resources for teachers on preserving our wetlands. Grades: 9-12
  • NOAA Education: Oceans and Coasts Ocean and marine environment activity books you can print out and color or solve puzzles. Grades: K-5
  • NOAA Fisheries Office of Protected Resources Learn what this office of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is doing to protect marine mammals and endangered species. Grades: 6-8
  • No Water Off a Duck’s Back This sample activity, No Water Off a Ducks Back, from Project WILD, is about connecting people and wildlife. The activity helps students identify ways oil spills can adversely affect birds and describe possible negative consequences to wildlife, people and the environment. Grades: 6-8
  • Ocean Science Education Teacher Resource Center This site links by topic to a large collection of environmental web sites which contain lesson plans and class activities. Grades: 9-12
  • Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council  Before the Gulf oil spill there was an oil spill from a tanker in Alaska. Getting and using oil continues to be an process that can threaten the environment. The activities in this curriculum teach students about oil spill issues regardless of the location of the spill. Grades: all
  • Rain Garden Lesson Plan This lesson introduces students to the concept of rain gardens and why they are beneficial preserving and improving our water. Grades: K-5
  • Rain Gardens for Educators The Illinois River Watershed Partnership has developed a number of lessons for all age groups. Grades: K-12
  • Respect the Beach The Surfrider Foundation’s Beachapedia page offers information on preserving and conserving our beaches–sand, water and waves. Grades: 9-12
  • Science with NOAA Research: Teacher Information Online science lessons for students and teachers. Covers earth systems that have to do with the oceans and lakes: storms, El Nino, the atmosphere and fisheries. Grades: 9-12
  • Southwest Florida Water Management District Education Resources Great virtual, interactive field trips that will help you to teach about wetlands and watersheds. Explore Florida’s Green Swamp, Hillsborough River and Springs Coast Watershed. Includes lots of other neat resources too such as educational tabloids, teacher’s guides and comprehensive educational kits. Grades: 9-12
  • TEACH: Environment Why do water levels change in the Great Lakes? What fish do people catch there, and what’s threatening one of the world’s largest freshwater fisheries? Learn about the environment of the Great Lakes region and the environmental issues there, including water quality, airborne toxics, invasive species and sustainable development. Grades: K-12
  • Water: An Amazing and Precious Resource In this lesson, students will begin with a water audit pre-lesson to determine their own personal water usage. They will then participate in a class activity to learn how water’s physical properties and chemical composition are essential to life on Earth. Once they understand water’s importance, they will debate water distribution issues, have an understanding of the consequences of water scarcity and come up with ways to conserve water in their own lives. Grades: 9-12, Type of resource:  Lesson Plan
  • The Water Cycle See how the water cycle works with this animation. Grades: 6-12
  • Water Challenge by EarthEcho International Resources include Action Guides, Lesson Plans and Extension Resources. Grades: 6-12
  • Water Science for Schools This site provides extensive background information on a wide variety of water topics. It also includes on-line activities, data tables, maps and a glossary of terms. Grades: 6-12
  • Water Stewardship Bring the environment into your classroom. Find K-12 lesson plans, presentations, educational games, videos, songs and more on the Michigan Water Stewardship website. Grades: K-12
  • Water Use Calculator See how much water is used and how to conserve water. Grades: 6-8
  • Watersheds:  Discovering the Watershed Purdue University has developed a fun board game that teaches students how human impacts to the environment affect water quality and indicator species.  Grades: 6-9
  • World Water Monitoring Day World Water Monitoring Day helps watershed leaders, educators and trained volunteers to educate students and citizens how the actions of individuals in a watershed can impact environmental quality and human health. Grades: 9-12