The NRRA School Recycling Club
Northeast Resource Recovery Association

School News You Can Use – October, 2017

Happy Harvest Time!

Pumpkin image courtesy of



  • 2018 Conference News – Call for Speakers!
  • CLUB News – Oyster River MS T.O.L.D.; Welcome New & Renewing Members
  • Grant & SWIP News –  USDA RD Town & Gown Grant
  • In The News – Fenway Trash Audits; Grand Canyon Cleanup; Leave Leaves for Wildlife
  • Contests, Scholarships & Fundraisers – Nashua Poster Contest
  • EPA & NHDES News – WasteWise & Food Recovery Challenge Info
  • Activity – Funny, Funny Pumpkin Gallery & DIY Paper Roll Pumpkins

Click HERE to view PDF



Call for Conference Speakers!

That’s right! We’re lining up our speakers and workshops for the Conference next May.  Does your school have an outstanding recycling program? Would you be interested in sharing it with other schools?  Just call or email Gwen Erley at 603-736-4401 X19 or [email protected].








Conference Discounts Available Until 12/31/17!

Lock in at the 2017 rate by booking your group now!

Don’t Forget:  Grants are available thanks to New Hampshire the Beautiful!


Register NOW for the 2018 NRRA School Recycling Conference on May 22, 2018.  Discount applicable for all registrations received prior to 12/31/17.


Contact Gwen Erley or Sarah McGraw TODAY to schedule any of the above items.  603-736-4401 ext. 19 OR [email protected]




Oyster River Middle School Hosts T.O.L.D.

ORMS in Durham wanted to start their students off on the right recycling foot this year.  We were honored to present our Trash On the Lawn Day program to their 5th, 6th and 7th grade students on September 8th, their first week of school.

Special guest, Alex Freid, founder of P.L.A.N. (Post-Landfill Action Network) and  an ORMS alumnus, spoke to the students about the importance of recycling.

Here are some pictures from that beautiful day:


Photo 1: NRRA Educator, Sarah McGraw (far right) explains the importance of the sorting bins in recovering recyclables to ORMS students. (NRRA Courtesy Photo)

Photo 2: Oyster River Middle School students weigh the trash before and after sorting under the watchful eye of NRRA staffer Ryan Stewart (right). (NRRA Courtesy Photo)













Photo 3: It was a beautiful day for sorting trash! ORMS Teacher explains the duties of sorters, weighers and monitors. (NRRA Courtesy Photo)
















For the full Press Release, click HERE!








Welcome Back Renewing Members:


Woodbury Middle School

  • Where:  Salem, NH
  • Grades:  6-8
  • Students:  1000




Elm Street Middle School

  • Where:  Nashua, NH
  • Grades:  6-8
  • Students:  1005






Welcome New Members:


New Boston Central School

  • Where:  New Boston, NH
  • Grades:  PreK-6
  • Students:  560


Landaff Blue School

  • Where:  Landaff, NH
  • Grades:  K-3
  • Students:  21





Kensington Elementary School

  • Where:  Kensington, NH
  • Grades:  K-5
  • Students:  105



Mountain View Middle School

  • Where:  Goffstown, NH
  • Grades:  5-8
  • Students:  900




Salute to C.R.A.P.

Our friends at Campbell High School are back in the news!

Their Campbell Recycling Advocacy Program was mentioned in both Huffington Post and Waste Advantage Magazine.

Keep up the good work!



Salute to N.R.R.A.


Our own Northeast Resource Recovery Association received an award at the National Recycling Coalition (NRC) Conference in August!

We couldn’t be prouder!

To read the whole story, click HERE!



On the Road with Sarah McGraw

Sarah’s recent work in Somersworth, NH, earned The CLUB a mention in the Somersworth City Newsletter. She shared the article below, written by the Farm to School Coordinator, Wendy Berkeley.

If your school would like to schedule this free comprehensive recycling evaluation, contact Sarah before 12/31/17 at [email protected].



Sustainability Efforts Surge in Somersworth Schools

Middle School teacher John Dinger’s efforts paid off to make large scale composting a reality for the Middle School. Thanks to collaborative funds through SYC, NH Farm to School, and Frisbie Memorial Hospital, September 2017 started the Middle School’s composting efforts with Mr. Fox of Portsmouth NH. Mr. Fox services the greater seacoast area by providing bins and liners for food waste, weekly pick up, and outreach
and support in order to start and sustain the process successfully. Instead of all waste going into the trash, all compostable materials are separated out and picked up by one of Mr. Fox’s friendly drivers, brought to their facility, and turned into rich organic soil. In exchange, next spring the Somersworth School District will receive a return-on-investment of a cubic yard of composted soil. With existing gardens at the Middle School, Idlehurst, Plants for Growth, and the ADA garden beds built by Girl Scout Troop 12325 for Maple Wood Elementary School, Idlehurst and the Middle School, this soil will have plenty of uses. One month in and the estimate of 450 lb. of food waste is being composted, instead of living inside plastic in our overcrowded landfills.

The Middle School has also enrolled with Northeast Resource Recovery Association (NRRA) of Epsom. NRRA offers free membership to all NH schools seeking to increase their efforts toward sustainability, and decrease their carbon footprints. They also offer reduced rates through NH the Beautiful Grants on their many valuable and fun waste reduction school workshops. NRRA School Program Project Manager (and Somersworth resident) Sarah McGraw has completed free waste audits at 2 Somersworth schools so far, guiding students and staff toward better recycling efforts, purchasing options for our cafeterias, and overall energy savings.  With sustainability as a vision for our schools and our city, Ms. McGraw and NRRA’s guidance is moving us all in the right direction. For more information, visit






USDA Town & Gown Grant Awarded to NRRA

NRRA is pleased to announce that we have been awarded another grant through USDA Rural Development to assist in building alliances between municipal transfer stations (NH), waste management districts (VT) and their associated schools.  We will be searching for communities in select counties of NH and VT to receive free training in the coming months.

For the full Press Release, click HERE.

If you would like more information about grant participation please contact Gwen Erley at [email protected].



Teacher Resources Available for Purchase!

Classic K-12 Recycling Activities with 21st Century Standards


Thanks to grant funding through USDA-Rural Development, NRRA’s School Recycling CLUB is proud to offer the newest editions of their school curricula 3R’s of the Common Core: A Teacher’s Resource Guide to Solid Waste and Recycling and Teaching Toxics: Creating Solutions to Household Pollution.  These references are divided into age appropriate lessons for K-3, 4-6, 7-8 and 9-12. Schools may select from hard copy or PDF versions.

In addition, four classroom workshop modules have been updated and are available in PDF versions only.  They are:

  1. Garbage Guerrillas
  2. Back to the Earth
  3. Healthy Home/Clean Waters
  4. Waste = Global Climate Change

Anyone else interested in purchasing these resources should contact NRRA Programs Coordinator, Gwen Erley, at [email protected].

  • For the Pricing Guide, click HERE.
  • For the Terms of Use, click HERE.
  • For the Curricula Descriptions, click HERE.

White River Alliance Solid Waste District School Outreach Continues for 2017-18 School Year

Workshops and Technical Assistance Available

Vermont – We are beginning our second round of outreach to schools in the White River Alliance Solid Waste District in Eastern/Central, VT.

Alliance communities include:  Barnard, Bethel, Granville, Hancock, Pittsfield, Rochester, Royalton and Stockbridge.

School outreach consists of four workshops and two technical assistance trainings. These are being paid for by the Alliance so there is no cost to the schools.

For more information, please contact The CLUB at [email protected].

Rutland County SWAC SWIP Outreach Completed


Vermont – NRRA’s School Recycling CLUB has completed our school outreach efforts for the 2016-2017 School year on behalf of the Rutland County Solid Waste Alliance Communities (RCSWAC). We met with six Rutland County schools in early March. Our goal is to assist with Act 148, Universal Recycling compliance.

RCSWAC Member towns include:  Benson, Chittenden, Fair Haven, Middletown Springs, Pawlet, Rutland Town, Shrewsbury, Sudbury, Tinmouth and West Haven.

Outreach will resume in the spring for the 2018 school year.  School outreach consists of an NRRA Star Assessment and ANR School Recycling Scorecard.  There is no cost to the schools thanks to RCSWAC funding.

For more information, please contact The CLUB at [email protected].





From our Friends at Resource Recycling


Post-game show

by Michelle Lee Guiney

In a pilot project implemented by the Boston Red Sox, groups of manual sorters dig into waste after the crowds leave the ballpark. The framework is one that could help other teams and event organizers drive in sustainability gains.

For the whole article, go to:




From our Friends at


 Unleash the power of sports for good with DoSomething and ESPN!

Football is back…

And so is the largest youth-led sports equipment drive! This season, let’s unleash the power of sports for good.


Kids from underserved communities are 50% less likely to play sports. One reason is that equipment is too expensive to afford.

But EVERY kid deserves to play. And it’s not just about fairness and fun — playing sports improves academic performance and overall well-being.

That’s why DoSomething members like you have donated over 44,000 pieces of sports gear since 2015 to kids in underserved communities.

Join our Game-Winning Drive! You’ll make a difference for kids in your community and join a larger movement for equality both on and off the field. Plus, you’ll earn the chance to win a $5,000 scholarship!

For more information, click HERE!



From our Friends at NH Audubon


Enchanted Forest

October 20 & 21, 5-8:45pm

McLane Center, Concord

A trail of jack-o’-lanterns light the path during the Enchanted Forest, photo by Laura Deming.



Join us for another great year of NH Audubon’s Enchanted Forest – new skits, more indoor activities, extra pumpkins and as always – enchanting fun!

Follow the enchanted trail into the nighttime forest (early tours are during the daylight, later tours are on dark trails in the woods, illuminated by real jack-o’-lanterns).

Encounter larger than life creatures and characters as they present skits about mysterious activities in nature. Gather around a campfire for engaging stories. Enjoy creative indoor activities, live animals, face painting, seasonal games, a raffle and refreshments.

This is a family friendly event for ages 4-adult and is not intended to be scary. Scout and youth groups are also invited.

Cost: $6.50/M; $9.50/NM. Register early!

Friday, October 20 registration and information

Saturday, October 21 registration and information

Preregistration for a specific day and time slot is required Call 224-9909 for questions or email: [email protected].

This popular event sells out, sign up early for your preferred time slot.





From our friends at


Grand Canyon Cleanup


Mountaineers Gear Up to Collect Trash in the Grand Canyon

September 1, 2017

Over a mid-September weekend, some of the most heavily used (and littered) portions of the Grand Canyon’s South Rim will get their annual tidy-up. But collecting trash from ledges that dangle some 5,000 feet over a massive hole in the earth is no task for your average sanitation crew. Instead, the park’s Preventive Search and Rescue Program (PSAR) will issue a special-use permit to the Arizona Mountaineering Club (AMC), about 50 of whose member-volunteers will rappel over the canyon’s edge to collect hundreds of gallons of plastic bottles, bags, sunhats, coins, and snack wrappers.

The cleanup does more than ameliorate a serious eyesore in an otherwise spectacular landscape. “Trash puts a [strain] on the natural environment that we really see on our wildlife. Specifically birds, but also megafauna like bighorn sheep and deer,” says Ben Cooper, who supervises Grand Canyon’s PSAR and also offers logistical support to AMC’s garbage roundup. With visitation at the park up 33 percent over the last three years, and hitting 6 million visitors in 2016, that strain is only fixing to get worse. With few skilled on-staff climbers and a stagnant budget, much of which goes toward educating tourists on safety and providing imperiled hikers with emergency services, Cooper says, “We need to engage our community partners” in the cleanup.

To read the full story, visit



Recycling & Environmental Game Links


In our internet travels, we have found several links to recycling and environmental games and activities that students might enjoy:






From our Friends at the National Wildlife Federation




Leave the Leaves for Wildlife

Fall has arrived—which means leaves are changing color and beginning to fall to the ground. Did you know that leaving the leaves in your yard or garden not only saves you time and energy but also benefits wildlife?

Here are a few good reasons to put down the rake:

  • Provide habitat for wildlife: frogs, turtles and salamanders rely on fallen leaves to provide cover and hibernation places; many moth and butterfly caterpillars overwinter in fallen leaves before emerging in spring
  • Provide food for wildlife: creatures like earthworms and millipedes reside in and decompose leaf litter, and also are themselves a source of food for bigger wildlife like birds and toads
  • Increase fertility of your soil: as the leaves decompose, nutrients are added to your soil, and also allows for greater water retention

Do you want enhance your wildlife habitat with additional trees and shrubs for wildlife? Register to have your yard or garden recognized as a Certified Wildlife Habitat, and you’ll be entered to win a $25 gift certificate to help purchase a shrub or tree to enhance your wildlife habitat garden.





  Vermont Says Y.E.S.!

Y.E.S. (Youth Environmental Summit) is an annual event for middle and high school students who want to learn about environmental issues and find ways to take action. This year’s Summit will take place on November 2, 2017 at the Barre Civic Center in Barre, Vermont.

To learn more click HERE.







From our friends at Resource Recycling – September 2017


Data Corner: Possible low-hanging fruit in the school lunch stream

by RSS

As the new school year begins, consulting firm RRS has compiled numbers quantifying the benefits of recycling some common cafeteria materials: cartons, food scraps and foam trays.

For the  entire article, click HERE.






From our Friends at


Seven Ways to Reduce Waste this School Year


Mallory Szczepanski | Aug 18, 2017

Click here for the slideshow:






From our Friends at Waste Advantage Magazine



Recycling Plastic is Hard on Earth, but Next Year NASA Will Do It In Space

Space travel favors light packers, since launching a single pound of stuff costs an eye-watering $10,000. But NASA likes to be ready for anything, which is easier with more supplies. So what’s an agency on a budget to do?
Read full story






Interested in water quality?

If you would like to host a workshop in your school, please consider The CLUB’s Healthy Home, Clean Waters Workshop. For more information, please contact [email protected].


Contests, Scholarships & Fundraisers


Nashua’s 2018 Recycling Calendar Poster Contest


Once again, Nashua Division of Public Works and Solid Waste Department are sponsoring their annual 2018 Recycling Calendar Poster Contest.

This year’s theme is:  Never Refuse to Reuse

Deadline is:  10/19/17

Nashua students in grades 1-12 are eligible to enter and win great prizes, while promoting recycling in their community.

For more details, go to:





From our Friends at E-Scrap News


Samsung Climate Superstars Challenge


Samsung Electronics America and the Boys & Girls Clubs of America have again partnered for the third-annual Climate Superstars Challenge, a contest that covers electronics recycling and other environmentally friendly activities.


For the full story, click HERE!







From our Friends at the Composting Council

International Compost Awareness Week

Poster Contest Theme Announced

Compost! Building a Better Future

 By coming together with a global voice that promotes compost, International Compost Awareness Week is a call to action – composting is good for the environment now and into the future – no matter where you live!  “Compost – Building a Better Future” for plants, people and our planet!

ICAW Poster Contest – Contest runs from 9/1/17 to 11/6/17

Based on this year’s theme, start getting your creative juices flowing and plan to enter the 2018 ICAW Poster Contest.  Your poster design will be displayed in thousands of places across the country…and you’ll win a prize too.

For more details on the ICAW Poster Contest and how to enter Go Here or copy this link:

The successful poster winner will receive a $500 prize. The contest is open to anyone from third grade to adult. There are 3 contest divisions: grades 3-7, grades 8-12, and college – adult. The best from each division will be entered into the final contest.









Keep America Beautiful Announces Launch of 2017 Recycle-Bowl; Encourages Nation to #BeRecycled Ahead of America Recycles Day

Nationwide Call for Schools to Enter America’s Largest K-12 Recycling Competition; Thousands of America Recycles Day Events and Activities Expected

STAMFORD, Conn. (Aug. 16, 2017) – As students begin to gather their notebooks, backpacks and pencils for the new school year, Keep America Beautiful, the nation’s iconic community improvement nonprofit organization, plans to ignite a passion for recycling in schools across the country with the launch of its 7th Annual Keep America Beautiful Recycle-Bowl. Registration is now open for the fall recycling competition at

Recycle-Bowl, Keep America Beautiful’s national K-12 school-based recycling competition, begins on Oct. 16 and culminates on America Recycles Day, Nov. 15. Champions are crowned in five categories: School Division, Community Division, District Division, Waste Reduction and Food Scrap Collection. Through participation in Recycle-Bowl and America Recycles Day, the only nationally-recognized day dedicated to promoting and celebrating recycling in the United States, Keep America Beautiful is helping communities spotlight recycling on a local level by educating students and community members on how and what to recycle, while providing an array of resources to improve recycling in America.

“Keep America Beautiful is determined to end littering, improve recycling, reduce waste and beautify America’s communities,” said Brenda Pulley, senior vice president, recycling, Keep America Beautiful. “Recycle-Bowl and America Recycles Day are key fall initiatives to educate, motivate and activate individuals and entire communities to better understand what to place in recycling bins and the many environmental, economic and social benefits of recycling.”

New this year, Recycle-Bowl is partnering with PepsiCo, a presenting sponsor, to offer participants the opportunity to concurrently sign up for PepsiCo’s Recycle Rally program. “Keep America Beautiful’s Recycle-Bowl is a great way to get schools and communities fired up about recycling, and we think Recycle Rally is a natural complement to extend that level of engagement throughout the rest of the school year,” said Tom Mooradian, PepsiCo Sustainability Manager. Recycle Rally rewards schools for recycling beverage containers and offers frequent promotions and access to free downloadable resources to help schools boost recycling .More information on this collaboration will be available in the coming weeks.

Registration for the fun and engaging four-week in-school competition is open to teachers, school administrators, school facility managers, PTA/PTO and other parent groups and local recycling advocates. Recycle-Bowl registration will remain open until Oct. 10, one week before the start of the competition. Nearly 700,000 students and teachers from more than 1,290 schools across the nation competed in the 2016 Recycle-Bowl.

Recyclables recovered during the 2016 Recycle-Bowl competition totaled 3.2 million pounds across 47 U.S. states, with Bon Air Elementary of Kokomo, Indiana, crowned as the 2016 champion. Whether a school has an existing recycling program or is looking to launch one, Recycle-Bowl is an excellent way for teachers, students and facility managers to engage their entire school community in recycling.


America Recycles Day, a Keep America Beautiful national initiative, takes place on and in the weeks leading into Nov. 15. Registration is open for businesses, community organizations, government entities, individuals and others planning to host an America Recycles Day-themed event. For recycling educators, the program provides an opportunity to improve recycling by reminding individuals what can be recycled.

Event organizers can access valuable resources to plan, promote and host an event on the America Recycles Day website where there are guides for hosting events, activity ideas, downloadable posters and banners, media outreach tools, sample proclamations and more. Events can be scheduled at any time during the fall leading into the official America Recycles Day celebration, Nov. 15. Learn more at


For the second year, Keep America Beautiful is encouraging people to #BeRecycled in every aspect of their life. Available online at and via paper pledges at events across the country, the #BeRecycled Pledge is a promise to actively choose to live a recycled lifestyle by committing to “Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.” in all aspects of daily life:

  • Recycling at home, work/school and on-the-go;
  • Buying products made with recycled content; and
  • Educating and encouraging friends, family and neighbors to take the #BeRecycled Pledge.

“America Recycles Day and Recycle-Bowl are moments in time that provide the inspiration and education to make recycling a common practice, every day of the year,” said Pulley. “We encourage everyone in communities across the country – including schools, business and organizations – to participate and to take the #BeRecycled Pledge in a national effort to improve recycling in America.”

Sponsors of this year’s initiative include American Chemistry Council, H&M, Indorama Ventures, Keurig Green Mountain, and Waste Management.



From our Friends at EPA Region I:

Offers School Recycling Grants to Member Communities

ecomaine invites applications for 2017/18 School Recycling Grants, apply October 31, 2017

Has your school set out to raise recycling awareness? Do you want to implement a more robust recycling program or add composting to your waste collection? Then ecomaine has a great opportunity for you! Maine’s pioneer of single-sort recycling and provider of waste-to-energy solutions is pleased to announce that any of its 65 member communities can apply for School Recycling Grants through October 31, 2017.

Grant proposals have ranged from purchasing in-school recycling bins or education materials to offsetting compost hauling fees or assisting schools to participate in tours of ecomaine. If selected, school recipients can receive up to $5,000 of $20,000 in available grant funds. Recipients are chosen based on the following criteria:

  1. project outline and school commitment
  2. ease of project replication
  3. likelihood of success and program sustainability, and
  4. how compelling and worthy the funding is.

Find out more:


Get Ready to Rally!

Recycle Rally is a free nationwide program that directly benefits K-12 schools and students by providing valuable incentives and resources to help make recycling easy, fun, and rewarding.

Recycle Rally: Sign-Up Promotion

Program:         PepsiCo Recycle Rally
Timeline:         September to November
Prize:                 Bonus TerraCycle points
How to Win:   Simply sign up for the PepsiCo Recycle Rally.

Join the PepsiCo Recycle Rally, one of the nation’s leading beverage container recycling initiatives for K-12 schools. With a revamped participation model, Recycle Rally is enabling more schools than ever before to catch the fever and earn a shot at prizes for building excitement around recycling.

By signing up for Recycle Rally, your school can compete in a series of contests which award prizes not just for dedication to recycling bottles and cans, but also for sharing artwork, photos, design skills, educational plans, and other creative ways to inspire others to recycle. Prizes range from $10 gift cards to $1,000 cash and participants have frequent opportunities to win.

Participants can also connect to a national recycling effort and gain access to educational materials, creative goal-trackers, and helpful tips and tools to make recycling fun and exciting. Recycle Rally has been making an impact since its 2010 inception, and has awarded more than $1 million in prizes on its way to collecting more than 50 million containers and counting.

Visit to join the program today, or click the button below for more information. Please note the button will take you to PepsiCo’s external website.

How many aluminum cans can your school round up?

Al the Can wants to see which school can round up the most cans-per-student between America Recycles Day (November 15) and Earth Day (April 22) for the big, $5,000 prize!

Schools (pre-K-12) that registered by April 28, 2017 are good to go!

For more information, go to:


Hosting school events or sports this fall?  Consider a Can Cage!

The CLUB is offering an opportunity for school recycling clubs to not only preserve the environment by collecting cans, but also to receive revenue on a per pound basis for the cans they collect.  The goal of the program is to increase school recycling funds while increasing aluminum can recycling.  As part of the program, The CLUB will provide participating schools with a large aluminum collection cage that can be parked out doors for easy access.

Thanks to the generous sponsorship of NRRA, NRRA’s School Recycling CLUB and Schnitzer Steel Industries, Inc., the Can Cages (2) are available for loan to member schools for FREE!!!

For more information CLICK HERE or contact Programs Coordinator, Gwen Erley at [email protected].


Don’t forget our RecycleMobile is available for events!

The RecycleMobile was developed to help make recycling at special events low-cost, highly visible and efficient. It is a simple to use, eye-catching recycling unit consisting of a fiberglass box with six collection holes (3 per side) that is attached to a 4′ by 6′ trailer and houses six – 32 gallon barrels. You will need a 1-7/8″  ball to tow the RecycleMobile.

The NRRA has three RecycleMobiles available for community groups and organizations to use to provide recycling. Please contact the NRRA by telephone at (603) 736-4401 or by e-mail at [email protected] for more information and scheduling details.

To reserve the RecycleMobile for your community’s event, download, complete and send in the RecycleMobile Reservation Form.







Other School Grant Opportunities

(Collected from NWF Eco-Schools Newsletter)|#schoolyardhab

itats – Can list on site up to 4 months
Helps classrooms and students in need offers many ways to earn scholarship money.







EPA’s WasteWise encourages organizations and businesses to achieve sustainability in their practices and reduce select industrial wastes.  WasteWise is part of EPA’s sustainable materials management efforts, which promote the use and reuse of materials more productively over their entire lifecycles.

To learn more, go to WasteWise Fact Sheet.







EPA FRC Rethink logo

 As part of EPA’s Food Recovery Challenge, organizations pledge to improve their sustainable food management practices and report their results. The FRC is part of EPA’s Sustainable Materials Management Program (SMM). SMM seeks to reduce the environmental impact of materials through their entire life cycle. This includes how they are extracted, manufactured, distributed, used, reused, recycled, and disposed.

To learn more, go to:  EPA FRC




Funny, Funny Pumpkins!

I’m always amazed at the creative ideas I see every year.  Here are some links that you might enjoy:


From DIY Network:







From Good Housekeeping:







From Pinterest:








DIY Paper Roll Pumpkins


From our friends at


DIY Paper Roll Pumpkins

This image courtesy of


By: Giustina from

Challenge yourself this fall to make something entirely from recycled materials. These DIY Paper Roll Pumpkins are super cute and shouldn’t cost you a thing. You can still decorate your home for fall if you’re on a budget. Start saving your empty toilet paper rolls for these toilet paper roll pumpkins. You can personalize them any way you wish and you won’t believe how easy they are to make. You might be wary of crafts with toilet paper rolls, but you don’t even recognize them when you’re done with the easy holiday craft.

  • Estimated Cost: Under $10
  • Time to complete: In an evening
  • Primary Technique: Green Crafting
  • Difficulty Level: Beginner

Click here for the fall craft






11/02/17 – Y.E.S. Summit –  The Vermont Youth Environmental Summit for grades 7-12. To learn more and register, contact:  [email protected]

11/03/17 – Students for Zero Waste – 4th Annual “Students for Zero Waste” Conference, Temple University in Philadelphia, PA, November 3 & 4, 2017.  For more info:  Note there is a small registration fee to attend this event.

11/15/17 – America Recycles Day – An initiative of Keep America Beautiful (KAB), America Recycles Day is the only nationally-recognized day dedicated to promoting and celebrating recycling in the U.S. For ideas, contact

03/18/18 – Global Recycling Day – The first celebration of its kind from the Bureau of International Recycling!  For more information, visit:

03/22/18 – World Water Day – To plan your event, visit

04/22/18 – Earth Day – To plan your event, see future newsletters and visit

04/27/18 – Arbor Day – To plan your event, visit

05/09/18 – Bike to School Day – To register your school event:

05/21/18 – NRRA’s 36th Annual Recycling Conference & Expo

05/22/18 – School CLUB’s 8th Annual School Recycling Conference (the Conference within the Conference); Registration assistance available for NH schools through NH the Beautiful.

06/05/18 – World Environment Day – To plan your event, visit

06/08/18 – World Oceans Day – To plan your event, visit


However You Carve It, Don’t Forget to Recycle Your Pumpkins!





mailboxWHAT IS YOUR SCHOOL CLUB UP TO? The NRRA School Recycling CLUB always loves to hear what its members and other schools are doing to recycle and help the environment so we can share it through our newsletter. There are so many different things being done, and you are our best source of information about what is working in your school. It can be a new program, a long-term project that’s been proven over time, a field trip, etc. Always feel free to contact me or submit something and you may see it in the next School News You Can Use! – Gwen Erley,  [email protected] 1-603-736-4401, Ext. 19