The NRRA School Recycling Club
Northeast Resource Recovery Association

School News You Can Use – May, 2015




SIGN UP TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jack Golden 2

In “Garbage Is My Bag“, an award winning performance program for school audiences, Jack Golden is the comedic “expert”, Dr. T., who delves into a mountain of trash — and an even bigger bag of vaudeville and circus tricks — in search of answers to these questions. With a “Ph.D. in Garbology”, a zany and irresistible personality and a marvelous Trash-to-treasure-o-matic recycling machine, he juggles and jokes his way through a world of waste. Dr. T delights his audiences while sharing his knowledge that rubbish is a resource that is just too good to throw away.

Click here for:   Conference Brochure

Click here for:   Registration Page








Turtle Crossing Sign

CLUB Reminder: Turtles, and many other reptiles and amphibians, cross the roads to nest in the Spring – Please drive with caution. See the NH Fish & Game article below to become an official RAARP reporter!

Spring in NH pic

Ice out and buds blooming!














  • CLUB Conference News – Registration Still Available-Sign up today!!!
  • CLUB News Welcome New Member Burke Town School
  • In The News – How to become a RAARP Reporter
  • EPA & NHDES News – FREE Environmental Education Materials
  • Green Cleaning Tips – Inexpensive & Easy
  • Activity – Simple Solutions Lunch Box
  • Green Calendar


Click here to view PDF






 School Conference Logo 2015-small

It’s Not Too Late!

Conference Registration Still Available

The School Recycling CLUB’s 6th Annual Conference is fast approaching  on Tuesday, June 9, 2015. This year’s theme is “Real Challenges-Real Solutions.” Registration includes breakfast and lunch. Member School fee is $50/Student; $75/Teacher. Non-member fee is $60/Student; $90/Teacher. If you are unsure of your member status, please call us at 603-736-4401 and we’ll check it for you.

To review the Conference schedule, workshops and presenters, click here:  Conference Brochure Link

To download the writable Registration Page, click here:

Once you have filled it out, please email, fax or mail it back to us ASAP.




Grants Still Available for NH Schools


All NH schools may apply for grants of 1/2 off their NHtB-logo-e1359575289949registration fees through NH the Beautiful. Here is the link:




double thumbs upWe look forward to seeing you all at the Conference!











The CLUB welcomes new member Burke Town School and their Recycle Club:


Burke Logo

Burke Font









Garbage Guerilla Workshops at Hampstead Central

Hampstead Central School hosted three Garbage Guerillas Workshops for their third-graders on April 22. Generous funding from the Hampstead Recycling Committee made this possible.  We’ll have a full write-up in our next newsletter. Here are some pictures:


Cindy at Hampstead GG

School CLUB Educator Cindy Sterling coaches Hampstead Central students on trash sorting tactics for Garbage Guerillas.










Hampstead Students

Hampstead Central students dig in while student monitors assist with the sort.















NRRA CLUB applergclipped

Would you like to host a TOLD, Garbage Guerillas or another Workshop at your school? Let the CLUB Help!




  • Improves academic performance, especially in science and math
  • Can lead to financial savings for schools
  • Decreases the school’s carbon footprint through practical solutions that reduce energy and water consumption
  • Reduces school waste and conserves natural resources
  • Encourages student environmental awareness and stewardship
  • Increases parental involvement
  • Helps students and teachers develop stronger relationships with their communities

Previous EPA EE-funded research at over 200 New England schools completed by the NRRA School Recycling CLUB (the CLUB) found that the single most challenging area for school recycling programs was in providing curriculum integrations that brought recycling and sustainability into classrooms to be used as the subject matter for meeting state and local curriculum standards.  The intention of the CLUB programs is to address just that issue in schools across all six New England states. Our goal is to use the CLUB’s workshops and technical assistance programs, all experiential and hands on, as a tool for educating K-12 students about consumption, proper diversion of waste, the resulting impacts on climate change and what they can do to change it.  Through these offerings, we are also afforded the opportunity to link these priorities to curriculum standards.  In addition, these workshops will model, for educators or community leaders, exemplary ways of teaching in creative, effective, and efficient methods about human health threats from environmental pollution as well as how to minimize human exposure to preserve good health. Click here to learn more or contact us at [email protected] or call 1.603.736.4401 ext. 19





NH Fish & Game Logo


Reptile and Amphibian Reporting Program (RAARP)

Turtle Pic RAARP is a program coordinated by the NH Fish and Game Nongame & Endangered Wildlife Program where volunteers report sightings of reptiles and amphibians from spring peepers to snapping turtles.


These reports are extremely Salamander Picvaluable to biologists. Observations are used to determine the distribution of all reptiles and amphibians within New Hampshire.



Snake PicReports of less common species are very important. Verified reports of rare species locations are mapped and stored in a database used for land protection and conservation purposes.


Frog PicReports should be accompanied by a clear photograph whenever possible. To be added to the spring mailing list, please contact the NH Fish and Game Wildlife Division: (603) 271-5859 or email [email protected]. RAARP participants must obey all local, state, and federal laws while collecting reptile and amphibian location data. Observers are advised to get landowner permission before going onto private property.

To learn more, go to:  RAARP








From Waste360 Daily Wire
April 9, 2015

Nebraska School Succeeds in Composting

Most of its Food Waste

By Chrissy Kadleck


Nebraska compost kidsSheridan Elementary students in Nebraska have consistently composted 90 percent of their cafeteria food waste since joining a pilot program in Lincoln Public Schools (LPS) on St. Patrick’s Day.


To read the entire article, go to:  Nebraska School Composting








CEHN LogoNOW Youth Leadership Nominations Due Now!




The Children’s Environmental Health Network (CEHN) is seeking nominations for its 2015 Nsedu Obot Witherspoon (NOW) Youth Leadership Award!
Do you know any young leaders (ages 12-18) who are involved and committed to environmental health, participate in community action, and have strong leadership skills? Nominate them for CEHN’s NOW Youth Leadership Award! CEHN is seeking nominations from non-family members for this award which honors youths for their exceptional environmental leadership. This award will be presented at CEHN’s 10th Annual Child Health Advocate Award Reception in Washington, DC in October 2015. Visit to see a list of previous awardees and to fill out the nomination form. We look forward to receiving your nominations, and if you have any questions, please contact Rachel Locke at [email protected]. Nominations are due by 4pm EDT on June 30th, 2015.







Crayola ColorCycle

Crayola Colorcycle LogoCrayola and schools across North America are banding together to help kids understand the importance of their role in protecting the environment. That’s why we launched Crayola ColorCycle. Through this initiative, students in K-12 schools across the continental United States and parts of Canada can collect and repurpose used Crayola markers.


ColorCycle is also a great opportunity for teachers and their students to explore eco-friendly practices. Specially developed standards-based lesson plans are available to enrich instruction and promote lively class discussions.
4 Easy Steps to an Eco-Cool School!
Participating in ColorCycle with your school is as easy as 1-2-3-4!


Engage & Educate
Inform your school administrators or PTO about participating in the Colorcycle1ColorCycle program.




Collect & Count
Set up a collection station in your school for used markers. Count up all the markers. Colorcycle2





Pack & Print
Pack markers in a cardboard box (with minimal outer markings). Print out a shipping label.Colorcycle3





Ship & Smile
FedEx Ground will pick up the markers — Crayola pays all shipping charges! Finally, smile – you just saved the planet!Colorcycle4





Click here to Get Started!





Toy Recycling Made Easy


Tom's Toy BoxFrom Resource Recycling NewsBits: Tom’s of Maine and recycling company TerraCycle have teamed up to launch a toy-recycling program.


Through the program, parents can obtain a free Toy Recycling Box *with prepaid shipping label. Items including dolls and board game pieces can be mailed to TerraCycle, a company that specializes in recycling difficult-to-process items.



Return your Toy Box by July 31, 2105 to receive a free upcycled TTom's Toteom’s of Maine tote!*

(*While supplies last. Total program participation limited to 500 Toy Boxes and 100 upcycled totes. Tote mailed upon receipt of returned Toy Box.)








EPA Environmental Education Logo

Find environmental education resource kits

for your school


It’s now easier to order EPA environmental education materials for your EPA Collageclassroom. The National Service Center for Environmental Publications offers order forms listing materials grouped by grade range (K-3, K-12, Elementary School, Middle School, High School, and General Information for Teachers). Each form has a picture, title, and brief description of the item as well as the quantity limit that can be ordered. Order a kit for your class today.

If you’re looking for other hands-on activities, take a look at our air sensor project or our new GENERATE! game, which helps students and adults learn about energy choices.







 Join the Lorax to Help Protect the Environment


Lorax pic This Earth Day, ENERGY STAR is announcing the release of its updated activity book with Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax. The activity book, one of EPA’s most highly sought after publications, will be available for free to schools and classrooms around the country. Download the activity book here.

Looking for other quality homework resources, lesson plans, or project ideas to learn or teach about the environment? EPA recently updated its resource center to make it easier for students, parents, and teachers to find K-12 activities and resources. Visit the new center here.


EPA PEYA Winners

(President’s Environmental Youth Award)


EPA Region 1:
Operation Ban the Bottle
Sudbury, MA
Lincoln-Sudbury High School Environmental Club

Peya Winners

The Environmental Club at Lincoln-Sudbury High, consisting of Savannah Snell, Michael Bader, Brianna Bisson, Grace Chin, and Clara Cousins, worked to promote the use of reusable water bottles and to bring awareness of climate change to the 1,600 students at their school. The club raised money to purchase two purified water fountain refilling stations for the school, with the goals of decreasing and eliminating the sale and use of one-use plastic water bottles and reducing plastic waste at the school. The students started their project with a water taste test that showed that despite common belief, water from the fountains can taste just as good as water from one-use bottles as long as the temperature of the water is held constant. The club then held several fundraising events to help purchase the refilling stations. For one fundraising event, the club partnered with Next Step Living to conduct home energy audits. The actions of the club to reduce their school’s plastic waste stream and help others in their area learn how they could save money on home energy bills have reduced the carbon footprint in their community.

For inspiring details on all the PEYA winners, go to:






 EPA NE Logo


2015 EPA New England Environmental Merit Awards

On April 22, 2015 (Earth Day) EPA New England gave out our Annual Merit Awards. During this ceremony, EPA New England also recognized our 2014 National Award winners for several programs including WasteWise and Food Recovery Challenge. In the attached brochure, see page 23 for the three 2014 National New England Food Recovery Award winners and page 24 for the three National 2014 New England WasteWise Award winners.







 Safer Choice LabelLook for the Safer Choice Label

This Spring

Finding products that are safer for you, your family, and the environment should be easy – that’s why EPA created the Safer Choice label. The new label helps you identify products with safer chemical ingredients, without sacrificing quality or performance. When you see a product with this new label, it means that every ingredient in the product has been evaluated by EPA scientists against our stringent health and safety standards.

Look for products with the Safer Choice label in stores later this spring. Major producers and retailers like Clorox, Walmart, Jelmar/CLR, Earth Friendly Products, Bissel, Wegmans, and hundreds of others have agreed to start putting Safer Choice products on the shelves this year.

Learn about the label and find a list of safer products here.
Read a blog post and watch a video by Administrator Gina McCarthy announcing the new label here.





Spring is a great time to open windows, put up screens and generally get your house in order.  Here are just a couple of easy and inexpensive cleaning tips using common household items.  We got our ideas from WMUR Channel 9, who got them from – talk about recycling ideas!



Microwave lemons in water to clean microwavelemon pic
If your microwave is filled with gunk from food explosions, put lemon slices into a cup of water and put it in the microwave until the water starts to boil. Once the water is boiling, turn off the microwave and let it steam for a few minutes before removing. You will now be able to easily wipe away and remove the food buildup inside. (Source: Distractify)

Squeegee pet hairsqueegie pic
If you live with a pet there’s a good chance their hair is everywhere. Clean your couches, or rugs by taking a rubber squeegee and running it across the fabric. You will be shocked by the amount of pet hair you remove. (Source: Distractify)

Sanitize your spongesponge pic
You can sanitize your kitchen sponge by placing it in the microwave when it is wet for 2 minutes on high. (Source: Distractify)
(You might want to do this BEFORE tip #1 above!)

For all 30 spring cleaning tips, go to:  30 Spring cleaning hacks







Simple Solutions Lunch Box

By: Natalie from Creme de la Craft
Milk Carton Sandwich holder

Do you ever open your lunchbox and find that your sandwich is squished? You won’t have to worry about that with this cool recycled craft. The Simple Solutions Lunch Box is a fun milk jug craft that you can reuse every day. You can even decorate your Simple Solutions Lunch Box to make your lunch a little more special. This simple kids’ craft is fast and budget friendly, and Mom will be happy that you have another reason to drink your milk.



Materials: Recycled Crafts, Plastic
Age Group: Preschool & Kindergarten, Elementary School, Pre-Teens, Teens
Time to complete: One hour

A milk jug makes a great lunch box, because not only is it food-safe, but it is Milk Carton Alternate Usethe perfect size to keep your sandwiches from getting squished! Plus it will cost you about $1 to make!

It can also be used as a container to organize all your little goodies. And the smaller milk jugs make the perfect on-the-go boxes too.


Now, the kids have another reason to finish their milk!


 Materials: Milk Carton Supply List1
• Empty milk jug
• Sharpie or marker
• Scissors
• Button
• Threading needle
• Embroidery floss
• Elastic hairband
• Decorative Cover (optional): Decorative scrapbook paper, Mod Podge, Brush


• Rinse out the milk jug and peel off the label. If any residue remains, run it Milk Carton Stepsunder hot water and scrub away with a dish sponge.
• To create the flaps, use a marker to draw four half circles, one on each side of the jug. Make one side as tall as possible to create the lid (see image above).
• Cut along the inside of the lines and discard the remaining pieces.
• Bend down all four flaps so it starts to take the form of a container. If it doesn’t fold properly, try making longer slits on each corner of the milk jug.
• To create a button loop closure, sew on a button on the top lid.
• Directly underneath on the bottom base of the milk jug, pierce a hole with the edge of your scissors. Run a hairband halfway through, knotting the end from the inside of the container to hold in place.
• Optional: To personalize the container, decoupage your favorite decorative paper on the lid using Mod Podge, following the directions on the bottle.





Milk Carton Final Product






06/05/15 – World Environment Day – To plan your event, see future newsletters and visit

06/08/15 – World Oceans Day – To plan your event, see future newsletters and visit

06/08/15 & NRRA 34th Annual Northeast Recycling Conference & Expo– Real Challenges 06/09/15       – Real Solutions.  This two-day event will be held at the Radisson in Manchester, NH.    Here’s the link: NRRA Conference

06/09/15NRRA 6th Annual School CLUB Conference – The “conference within the conference” celebrates schools and students with activities and awards. See our Conference page for details.




mailboxWHAT IS YOUR SCHOOL CLUB UP TO? The NRRA School CLUB always loves to hear what its members and other schools are doing to recycle and help the environment so we can share it through our newsletter. There are so many different things being done, and you are our best source of information about what is working in your school. It can be a new program, a long-term project that’s been proven over time, a field trip, etc. Always feel free to contact me or submit something and you may see it in the next School News You Can Use! – Gwen Erley,  [email protected] 1.603.736.4401 ext 19